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Welcome !

Welcome to the home of the South Branch Tigers!! Our Board mission is to prepare all students for a successful life. Specifically at South Branch our mission is to embrace our journey by inspiring all learners. When you come to our school, you will immediately see that we live our credo everyday: We BELIEVE in good character, good citizenship and a safe, inclusive learning environment in which all students can ACHIEVE and interact positively with each other. Meaningful learning opportunities will be provided for all so that everyone can SUCCEED.

South Branch Tigers demonstrate all of the Character Traits in Character Always with the UCDSB: Resilience, Honesty, Courage, Generosity, Respect, Fairness, Caring, Empathy, Perseverance and Responsibility. Our vision for our school community is improving learning through the arts. You will see that we teach and assess many subjects through activities in music, visual art and drama. Dance is another subject area that many of our classes enjoy regularly. I invite you to take a look around our website for more information, or call the school directly.


Tanya Preston, Principal


As part of the federal COVID-19 Resilience Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, and funding from the Ontario government,
73 UCDSB school sites will see enhancements and upgrades to HVAC and controls; replacement portables; window replacements; bottle filling stations; and power doors with touchless sensors.

Investing in Canada

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